
I am totally lost. I walked off my job tonight after reaching my limit.

Apologies for the errors… frustrated and upset. Bare with me. I work for a huge poultry plant. I work in the refrigeration department. I work 3rd shift. In a nutshell, my job is to monitor the cooling system and keep the plant and birds cold. If something breaks, I try to repair it. Tonight was my scheduled night off but my supervisor asked if I’d come in to help him install a 700+lb motor on the roof. I’ve never turned down overtime in the year I’ve been there. My supervisor is a former operator who I used insist on working with. I’ve been the only guy in the department to like him. My approval of this guy was based off work ethic last year. He became my boss a month ago. My boss is a newly recovered addict. Being familiar with both his personality and addiction, I’ve been thinking he…

Apologies for the errors… frustrated and upset. Bare with me. I work for a huge poultry plant. I work in the refrigeration department. I work 3rd shift. In a nutshell, my job is to monitor the cooling system and keep the plant and birds cold. If something breaks, I try to repair it. Tonight was my scheduled night off but my supervisor asked if I’d come in to help him install a 700+lb motor on the roof. I’ve never turned down overtime in the year I’ve been there.
My supervisor is a former operator who I used insist on working with. I’ve been the only guy in the department to like him. My approval of this guy was based off work ethic last year. He became my boss a month ago.
My boss is a newly recovered addict. Being familiar with both his personality and addiction, I’ve been thinking he might be using again. I wasn’t sure if he was drunk on his new status or using again and I’m still not.
The past week he’s been absolutely unreasonable and absolutely ridiculous. Having me do things that made no sense. He’d obsess about something minor until I did it then instantly change his mind about the whole task. This morning in the office he proceeded to ‘Shush’ me while I was talking to another operator. His boss which was my old boss asked me a question and I was giving my answer when he told me to shut up because he needed to talk to him. That pissed me off but what was worse is that his boss condones his behavior and didn’t say a word, just walked away to tend to my new boss and whatever he needed that instant.
Tonight I came in and proceeded to get started on this 700lb motor. I could easily do this install but my boss can’t stand anyone doing stuff he can do. He stopped me and told me I didn’t need to do those things because it wasn’t needed. 30mins later he’s having me run all over to do the things I started to do earlier. We’re installing this motor on the roof unit 3 stories high which means Several trips up stairs and ladders that could have been avoided.
He’s all brawn and no brain. He chooses muscle over thought or equipment use every time. I’m a small guy but I’ve always accomplished the same tasks and many of them much easier than bigger guys.
So my boss rigs a hoist and his plan is to muscle it into position. I told him we didn’t need to work that hard there was an easier way. He ignored my statement and sent me to fetch various items to help rig up this motor. Each time he sent me off for something, I told him it wouldn’t work. He started to get pissed. He’d send me for a part to use of another motor and I’d tell him it wouldn’t work. Instead of listening to me he’d get pissed and go see for himself. Instead of acknowledging I was right, he’d make a new plan. Each time I proved him wrong. He then proceeded to rig it up his way. I told him: “Stand back it’s gonna swing then fall.” While he was saying “No it’s…” The motor came crashing down and trashed the $11,000 motor. I was smiling from ear to ear in the darkness behind him.
Finally his recklessness caught up with him. Instead of stopping the job. He looked at the motor, deemed it fit to continue the install. As he’s hoisting it up again, I’m telling him we can do this a lot easier and safer if he’d just listen. He snaps and demands the exact procedure I’m suggesting. As I begin, he said; “Nope , it won’t work.” As he’s telling me of his new idea to do it, I tell him; “$1000.00 cash says my way works.” He gets pissed and begins to aggressively hoist the motor up while yelling; “Alright, we’re gonna do it your fucking…..
At that point I gathered my tools and left the rooftop. I sat in the office to cool off and let him do the same. I figured he’d come down to the office and issue a half-assed apology so I’d help him get it done. I waited 15 minutes then I clocked out and went home. He began texting me as I pulled into my garage telling me to come in back and how he hooked it up my way. I replied with the reasons I left and how he’s not been the guy I know lately. He dismissed it by telling me to “quit being stubborn” and begged me return. I Ignored his requests until he said he got the job done and apologized for earlier. When I didn’t reply to his “I’m sorry” text he asked if I’d be there my next day scheduled.

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