
A little work rant-boss w/o kids doesn’t get how hard it’s been

This one's pretty tame. During covid, we had a toddler moving into pre-k and now into kindergarten this fall. We provided entertainment and raised her while we both worked/schooled full time while covid was going on. We were fortunate enough to enroll her into preschool for most of it during the school year but with close contacts, sniffles, high Temps, coughs, etc., we tag teaming, had to stay home for a week or 2 about every other week with her. It has been exhausting. One mini-crisis after another. None of it was life threatening but many ups and downs in that time. She very likely will get a dx for adhd hyper, which takes a lot of energy to keep her moving in a positive direction. Ive barely had energy for work. It hasn't helped my boss hasn't approved pto in a year except for a few random days. No…

This one's pretty tame. During covid, we had a toddler moving into pre-k and now into kindergarten this fall. We provided entertainment and raised her while we both worked/schooled full time while covid was going on. We were fortunate enough to enroll her into preschool for most of it during the school year but with close contacts, sniffles, high Temps, coughs, etc., we tag teaming, had to stay home for a week or 2 about every other week with her.

It has been exhausting. One mini-crisis after another. None of it was life threatening but many ups and downs in that time. She very likely will get a dx for adhd hyper, which takes a lot of energy to keep her moving in a positive direction. Ive barely had energy for work. It hasn't helped my boss hasn't approved pto in a year except for a few random days. No holidays.

As a result, my work has suffered and my boss makes sure I know it with the occasional little snide comments. I know I barely have energy to try most days I'm so burnt out. I've tried explaining this to her several times. She acts like it's some personality flaw. She doesn't have kids. Nothing against not having any, but having them requires a lot more flexibility and she doesn't understand. I'm quitting in the next couple months, after I get my annual bonus. I can't wait. It is a really easy time to get another job in my area that pays similarly or better. Gentrification forced out many of the workers

Tl:Dr me complaining because boss doesn't empathize with exhausted parents and isn't flexible enough

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