
Do you ever leave company reviews on Glassdoor?

I just left a 1 star review for my previous company. The total rating is at 2 stars but hoping to bring it down just below 2 (after my review gets approved). It is fascinating to read what the reviews say. Every 1 star review Pros (including mine): “Friendly co-workers (non management only)” and Cons: overworked, lied to, ZERO work life balance, work damn near 70-80 hours a week no OT, tricked into accepting the job to be told you’re expected to work weekends and after hours. They never bring this up in interviews. On my FIRST DAY, my boss put his hands together and begged me to work on weekends in front of the entire team who was already working weekends. It’s pretty manipulative. I only ever left 2 reviews for former companies I worked for. 4 stars for another company which was decent and 1 star for these…

I just left a 1 star review for my previous company. The total rating is at 2 stars but hoping to bring it down just below 2 (after my review gets approved).

It is fascinating to read what the reviews say. Every 1 star review Pros (including mine): “Friendly co-workers (non management only)” and Cons: overworked, lied to, ZERO work life balance, work damn near 70-80 hours a week no OT, tricked into accepting the job to be told you’re expected to work weekends and after hours. They never bring this up in interviews. On my FIRST DAY, my boss put his hands together and begged me to work on weekends in front of the entire team who was already working weekends. It’s pretty manipulative.

I only ever left 2 reviews for former companies I worked for. 4 stars for another company which was decent and 1 star for these scumbags. I initially included my former boss’ name to trash him for everything he’s done and said but Glassdoor shot that back to me.

It’s a little weird doing this because I don’t typically rate stuff besides 5* for Uber drivers.

Six figures weren’t even worth it. It was miserable, draining, absolute fucking hell.

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