
I got fired for no reason

Okay so let me start out by saying that since I was under probation (I was 3 days away from finishing) that there’s nothing I can do, I can’t get EI. I worked as hard as I could, I tried to learn as much as I could and I was even friendly with coworkers. It’s kind of strange how he let me go after working a full 8 hour shift and it feels like a slap in the face. I’ve been crying on and off, my depression is back, and I have bills I need to afford. I just can’t understand how someone like me can be okay for any job at this point as all 3 places I’ve worked at have had struggles. I get that I’m autistic and I get a bit excited at times but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with my work ethic. I want to work,…

Okay so let me start out by saying that since I was under probation (I was 3 days away from finishing) that there’s nothing I can do, I can’t get EI. I worked as hard as I could, I tried to learn as much as I could and I was even friendly with coworkers. It’s kind of strange how he let me go after working a full 8 hour shift and it feels like a slap in the face. I’ve been crying on and off, my depression is back, and I have bills I need to afford. I just can’t understand how someone like me can be okay for any job at this point as all 3 places I’ve worked at have had struggles. I get that I’m autistic and I get a bit excited at times but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with my work ethic. I want to work, my brain needs the routine and stimulation. I also got injured at that workplace and have a 2 week old fractured fingertip so I have to pretend I’m not injured at any future employment opportunities and hope I don’t break it fully and just outright lose it. I feel like I got fucked over and got hurt in the process. All for minimum wage

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