
SRSLY? How desperate are you?

I am a teacher. I got nonrenewed (low-key fired) this year for being a royal pain-in-the-ass and refusing to silently be treated like I am subhuman. I have an offer from my old district, but I am thinking maybe education isn't for me. I love teaching, but the bullshit outside my classroom is making it untenable. So I have been applying for non-teaching jobs. I think that has you all caught up. I am sitting here this morning, going through my email and I see an email for a job I applied for on Thursday of last week. I haven't spoken or heard anything since I applied. Maybe they want to do a phone screen! Nope, at 8p last night they sent out a blast email to everyone that has applied for any job with them that they are having an open cattle call today from 9a – 4p. They…

I am a teacher. I got nonrenewed (low-key fired) this year for being a royal pain-in-the-ass and refusing to silently be treated like I am subhuman. I have an offer from my old district, but I am thinking maybe education isn't for me. I love teaching, but the bullshit outside my classroom is making it untenable. So I have been applying for non-teaching jobs. I think that has you all caught up.

I am sitting here this morning, going through my email and I see an email for a job I applied for on Thursday of last week. I haven't spoken or heard anything since I applied. Maybe they want to do a phone screen! Nope, at 8p last night they sent out a blast email to everyone that has applied for any job with them that they are having an open cattle call today from 9a – 4p. They plan on hiring on the spot for a bunch of warehouse jobs and the IT job I applied for.

So I sent her a decent blast in email, the first sentence is “are you for real?” I get that logistics companies are desperate. I know that company, in particular, is desperate; but I haven't even spoken to anyone about the job. I don't know how much it pays. I don't know who I would report to. I don't even know where the job is located since there is a corporate headquarters and a number of satellite warehouses and offices. I don't know if the posting for the job is even, at all, accurate and they are expecting me to hop in my car and drive an hour on no notice for a blind, cattle-call interview? Naw, man. I have better things to do with my day. They need me more than I need them.

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