
I’m done being a “bootlicker”. Screw it.

Title. Finally realised that I had been bootlicking my boss for over a year. I'm done with this bullshit. Communication job, small team. Been there with my boss since the beginning. I'm basically the most senior person after him — he himself says this btw. We achieved a lot together, expanded the team etc. He used to be a big brother (33) to me (26f), my mentor, my friend. Just NOW, I noticed I received nothing and he sees me as equal to the others. I'm even getting the same paycheck as newbies. Here's what I do the others don't: be his unofficial personal assistant (while doing my own assigned job), call people on his behalf since he doesn't speak local language, train the newcomers, do official documents on his behalf, you name it. My trust in him started to decline when he recruited some new people. Mind you, this…

Title. Finally realised that I had been bootlicking my boss for over a year. I'm done with this bullshit.

Communication job, small team. Been there with my boss since the beginning. I'm basically the most senior person after him — he himself says this btw. We achieved a lot together, expanded the team etc. He used to be a big brother (33) to me (26f), my mentor, my friend. Just NOW, I noticed I received nothing and he sees me as equal to the others. I'm even getting the same paycheck as newbies.

Here's what I do the others don't: be his unofficial personal assistant (while doing my own assigned job), call people on his behalf since he doesn't speak local language, train the newcomers, do official documents on his behalf, you name it.

My trust in him started to decline when he recruited some new people. Mind you, this guy is in the office for like 3-4 hours a day, while I spend 9 hours with everyone. I warned him from the start, how some newbies don't give an absolute fuck about work, not doing their assigned jobs, behave extremely unprofessional, talk shit about him, oh my god just many stuff. I warned him in the past for someone else like this, he didn't listen, then he fired her, and came and said “You were right about her.” And now he's doing the same thing.

Screw this. I'm done. I'll do my 9-6, do my job, and get the fuck out. No more voluntary overtimes. No more doing his side jobs.

You can criticise me in the comments as you want. I deserve this.

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