
Fired a girl now she’s re hired

Apologies 2x for if this is in the wrong place on Reddit. I’m new ish and don’t often post anything. I’m going to try to keep this short, but still include all the details, forgive me please. I worked in this bar for a couple years while going to college. I took a semester off for summer, was promoted to management. I had to leave for a better opportunity, I put in a month notice. My other job didn’t work out, so I came back as a bartender. About 8 months passed at my other job, when I returned the new bar manager quit. I was asked to help a few nights a week “keying”, so just locking up and making sure employees don’t do anything bad. I agreed. On my first night, one of our servers let’s call her A ,started an argument with another server. A began cursing…

Apologies 2x for if this is in the wrong place on Reddit. I’m new ish and don’t often post anything. I’m going to try to keep this short, but still include all the details, forgive me please. I worked in this bar for a couple years while going to college. I took a semester off for summer, was promoted to management. I had to leave for a better opportunity, I put in a month notice. My other job didn’t work out, so I came back as a bartender. About 8 months passed at my other job, when I returned the new bar manager quit. I was asked to help a few nights a week “keying”, so just locking up and making sure employees don’t do anything bad. I agreed. On my first night, one of our servers let’s call her A ,started an argument with another server. A began cursing at her in front of guest. I took A to the side as A seemed more charged, and talked to her for a moment. She began explaining everything in her personal life, and apologized. I told her “ it’s fine but I can’t have you back on the floor in front of guest right now just clock out go home rest up tomorrow is a new day and we can figure out what to do to avoid this happening again “ . Which she became irate with me and began cursing at me, so I told her she really needed to go before this got any worse. I spoke to the actual managers. They all said “ well we think A should be fired “I agreed, but of course I was left to do the firing.After that A came in a few days later, I was serving at the time, When she started calling me a racist and that she was going to get me fired. A week later our general manager asked me “ would it be ok if A came back after a suspension “ I replied “ I don’t really care I’m just here to make money but believe this will just cause problems for myself and the staff member A was arguing with “ discussion ended. Well our schedule for this week just came out. I’m working with her tomorrow, and I honestly just don’t want to deal with it.

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