
Anyone have success using office politics to their benefit during raise negotiations?

Feel like this is a weird question but I have 0 experience here. Some background: I was sexually harassed at work by a supervisor of another branch office. I did not want to report but my direct supervisor (after hearing from the grapevine not me directly) approached me to persuade me to file a report. I did so, mostly to cover my ass as he explained, but after the fact I came to find out this was politically motivated to his career benefit. My supervisor was up for a big promotion and my harasser was his competition for the role. Second in commands heard straight from the horses mouth that my reporting had something to do with my supervisor being selected over him. I hate to play the game back, but is there anyway I can use this for my own leverage? Specifically during my annual reviews that are coming…

Feel like this is a weird question but I have 0 experience here. Some background: I was sexually harassed at work by a supervisor of another branch office. I did not want to report but my direct supervisor (after hearing from the grapevine not me directly) approached me to persuade me to file a report. I did so, mostly to cover my ass as he explained, but after the fact I came to find out this was politically motivated to his career benefit. My supervisor was up for a big promotion and my harasser was his competition for the role. Second in commands heard straight from the horses mouth that my reporting had something to do with my supervisor being selected over him. I hate to play the game back, but is there anyway I can use this for my own leverage? Specifically during my annual reviews that are coming up? I just want a raise to cover at least annual inflation…

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