
Corporations are not your friend

Hey! I was a graphic designer at a science company for 3 years and I got laid off yesterday. During Covid we made testing kits and there was a time when my marketing team was literally carrying the torch. There were quarters during Covid that we literally had profits in the billions. Now that we are transitioning to a post-Covid world, profits are down and they decided to “restructure” which meant cutting half of the team that kept them a float- including me. Never mind how productive my team has been over the last few years or how much money I made the company. Loyalty means nothing. Corporations are not your friend and the moment you are no longer useful to them they will drop you and move along. So watch your own back. Anyway so I decided I don’t want to work anymore. Think I can make a career…

Hey! I was a graphic designer at a science company for 3 years and I got laid off yesterday. During Covid we made testing kits and there was a time when my marketing team was literally carrying the torch. There were quarters during Covid that we literally had profits in the billions. Now that we are transitioning to a post-Covid world, profits are down and they decided to “restructure” which meant cutting half of the team that kept them a float- including me. Never mind how productive my team has been over the last few years or how much money I made the company. Loyalty means nothing. Corporations are not your friend and the moment you are no longer useful to them they will drop you and move along. So watch your own back. Anyway so I decided I don’t want to work anymore. Think I can make a career masturbating and playing video games? If that doesn’t work, anyone wanna move into a cave with me? We could make a little homestead. My severance is gonna help me pay rent for July but after that I’m fuuu-

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