
Our Christmas party has been postponed the last 2 years. They have now announced a make up party for the staff which will be a dry event at a Christian campground. Most of the employees are not Christian, how can I let them know I won’t be attending?

Like the title says. 2 years after our original party was postponed they are now inviting us to stay at a local Christian camp for our Christmas party. The owner of the company is church friends with the owner of the campground and that is how this came to be. Myself along with the majority of the employees are not followers of the Christian faith and don't feel like we were considered when planning the staff event. Just goes to show how even events that are supposed to be about keeping the staff happy are actually just ego strokes for the owners and bosses.

Like the title says. 2 years after our original party was postponed they are now inviting us to stay at a local Christian camp for our Christmas party. The owner of the company is church friends with the owner of the campground and that is how this came to be. Myself along with the majority of the employees are not followers of the Christian faith and don't feel like we were considered when planning the staff event. Just goes to show how even events that are supposed to be about keeping the staff happy are actually just ego strokes for the owners and bosses.

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