
I hate spending every day hating my job. I don’t think I can live much longer like this.

I 24F am just so fucking burnt out, enraged, and miserable. I was miserable at my last job so I left after a year and a half to pursue a different career – which I hate just as much. I'm 7 months in and am so fucking depressed every day. But I don't know what other work I would do – every industry sounds like it sucks. I realized, especially after taking the last week off and feeling the happiest I had felt in years, that I just don't want to work. Wanting this is awful because there's only two ways to get it – I can be homeless or find a rich husband. Well I need shelter, and I'm extremely single and don't have the fucking patience to wait years for a husband. I'm tired of being told to make my personal life more fun, and that that will…

I 24F am just so fucking burnt out, enraged, and miserable. I was miserable at my last job so I left after a year and a half to pursue a different career – which I hate just as much. I'm 7 months in and am so fucking depressed every day. But I don't know what other work I would do – every industry sounds like it sucks. I realized, especially after taking the last week off and feeling the happiest I had felt in years, that I just don't want to work.

Wanting this is awful because there's only two ways to get it – I can be homeless or find a rich husband. Well I need shelter, and I'm extremely single and don't have the fucking patience to wait years for a husband. I'm tired of being told to make my personal life more fun, and that that will magically make me less depressed about having to spend the other 50 hours a week in hell.

I don't see myself living much longer. I just can't participate in this shit anymore. I'm in therapy and try to work on getting this fact to make me less depressed, but it's not working. No matter what I do or how many personal hobbies I pick up, work wins – it completely takes over and makes me a shell of a human being. I'm not strong enough for this shit.

I know there's not really anything helpful that can be said. I just needed to get this out of my system.

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