
USAA can get fucked

What can I say. I could give you the long of it, and there is definitely lots to tell. But it comes down to this. I gave USAA everything after getting out of the military. I was recognized for the exemplary work I did for them, multiple process improvements were implemented because of me, and I was the guy who fixed things when claims went sideways. My wife and I had our first child because of the stability USAA constantly bragged about. However I finally had to file a claim and because I challenged their half assed estimate and demanded a fraction of the care I put I to my own claims, I got fired. Not a single issue with my work, the stated reason for the dismissal is because my conduct during the claim was unbecoming of a usaa employee. What was unbecoming? Snapping and telling the manager of…

What can I say. I could give you the long of it, and there is definitely lots to tell. But it comes down to this. I gave USAA everything after getting out of the military. I was recognized for the exemplary work I did for them, multiple process improvements were implemented because of me, and I was the guy who fixed things when claims went sideways. My wife and I had our first child because of the stability USAA constantly bragged about. However I finally had to file a claim and because I challenged their half assed estimate and demanded a fraction of the care I put I to my own claims, I got fired. Not a single issue with my work, the stated reason for the dismissal is because my conduct during the claim was unbecoming of a usaa employee. What was unbecoming? Snapping and telling the manager of the adjuster that she and her team are incompetent because at 9months into the claim we still hadn’t moved back into the home, we were short 10k to the contractor, and we had to move 10 different times because they would sometimes wait till the day of checkout to authorize more hotel time.

Incompetence, arrogance, and no oversight.

So they fire me, 100% member satisfaction rate, recognized peer leader, and ahead of all my metrics. Chucked out, no health insurance, no severance, not even a god damn reach-around as they fucked me.

So I have a young child and wife depending on me, no savings because the claim forced me to spend it all to bridge the gap in their adjusting, and a non-rehirable slapped on my profile.

Since then USAA has flagged multiple financial transactions and is making it extremely hard to get even undisputed money out. I’m trying to find a local bank and move my insurance but until that is complete I have to live with them harassing every aspect of my business with them.

Never believe in a corporate company. They are all hot air and if you drink that coolaid you WILL get burned when they drop the mask.

P.S. Also your insurance carrier probably lost lots of workers over the last two years, expect most people to be inexperienced and over their heads.

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