
I’m quitting on Thursday as soon as I get into work. No notice. Help me draft my resignation letter.

First of all, I've always wanted to do this. I'm quitting with no notice. Last Sunday (12th June?) morning, I arrived to work with 4 employees missing, no manager, and no shift lead. I, somehow, after 6 months at the company, was the most senior employee. I was surrounded by panicking brand new part time untrained employees asking me what to do. I did my best to “play manager” until a manager would arrive 3 and a half hours later. Two of the sections 2 employees were in are typically managed by 2 and 4 people and instead they were entirely alone. I abandoned my section and began bouncing back and forth assisting them. Eventually a manager would arrive and begin assisting me in the section that requires 4 people with one other coworker. That coworker was panicking and I reassured her at one point: “Don't worry, Karen is a…

First of all, I've always wanted to do this. I'm quitting with no notice.

Last Sunday (12th June?) morning, I arrived to work with 4 employees missing, no manager, and no shift lead. I, somehow, after 6 months at the company, was the most senior employee. I was surrounded by panicking brand new part time untrained employees asking me what to do. I did my best to “play manager” until a manager would arrive 3 and a half hours later. Two of the sections 2 employees were in are typically managed by 2 and 4 people and instead they were entirely alone. I abandoned my section and began bouncing back and forth assisting them.

Eventually a manager would arrive and begin assisting me in the section that requires 4 people with one other coworker. That coworker was panicking and I reassured her at one point: “Don't worry, Karen is a good manager. She will take care of you and help.”

Later on, I was looking for something, and I as always was talking to myself and I said “I sure wish I could find this thing

Karen responded “What are you complaining about now?” And I responded “Hahaaa…don't say it like thaaaat,” in a playful manner to diffuse the clearly stressed out manager. But she pushed on, “You are always bitching and it's fucking annoying. I understand there are 4 people out but you're not being a team player.”

I've reported managers for shit like this in the past, and she is a frequent offender of abusing my coworker and I've only been there 6 months. I see the writing on the wall.

I did my job that day, emailed HR when I got home, and told them I wouldn't be in the office the next day and immediately went home and started filling out applications for the next 3 days (Took off Monday, Tuesday-Wednesday are my off days).

HR eventually replied and said, “We'll speak when you're back in,” no remorse, nothing.

I worked Thursday, Saw my director (She had spoken to the other coworker who witnessed this on Monday) all day, and nothing. Saw her all day Friday, nothing. Saturday, nothing. Sunday was a holiday, and 2 people called out, and here I was being a team player and covering multiple sections again, questioning why I'm working this fucking hard for a management that doesn't give a shit. HR even came in that day even though we were closed and didn't offer to talk to me about it ONCE.

Monday I came in, did my job for 2 hours and said fuck it. Went up to HR's office to ask her why she hasn't spoken to me…Her office is locked with a sign on the door that says the bitch is on vacation. I went down to the directors office where I had an unproductive conversation where she spoke over me the whole time until I put my finger up, and she kept interrupting me, and I said LISTEN, I have a job interview at 2 and I'm leaving now. THIS BITCH asks if I put in a PTO request (LMAO). “Nope! But I'm leaving.”

I was going to work the rest of the week, but word has spread around the office, and I'm sure retaliation is not beneath this place. I offered to cover my coworkers shift on Sunday, and Saturday is a closing shift which is difficult because we are short staffed (wonder why?). I've decided tonight I'm gonna walk in, hand in my resignation, and quit.


So far I have this (Will edit if I see something I like in comments!):

[For context, I'm buying a “Sorry for your loss” greeting card]

It’s me.

Since upper management and HR have made it clear I am not worth their time, let me make it clear that you are certainly not worth mine.
If I spoke to anyone in this facility the way you spoke to me, I would be fired immediately; no notice. Unprofessional management begets unprofessional employees, and so you get no notice.
I quit.

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