
Please help! Work wants me to get an app on MY phone that tracks the number of steps taken

Lots have it and have asked me, I said I didn’t have it. They seemed somewhat pushy about it though that I get it. It’s still new so I’m not sure what’s going to happen. Even though I’m right, I don’t want disciplinary action taken against me. What can I say/do? I’m a good worker and am not lazy, I don’t want the app just out of principle. Getting it, draining my battery all day etc. My phone is always in my locker and I wear a cheap watch for the time, unlike others who always use their phone to text. If the App situation escalates, how can I be firm that I don’t want it? I’m sort of bad at standing up for myself even when I think I’m right

Lots have it and have asked me, I said I didn’t have it. They seemed somewhat pushy about it though that I get it. It’s still new so I’m not sure what’s going to happen.

Even though I’m right, I don’t want disciplinary action taken against me.

What can I say/do?

I’m a good worker and am not lazy, I don’t want the app just out of principle. Getting it, draining my battery all day etc. My phone is always in my locker and I wear a cheap watch for the time, unlike others who always use their phone to text.

If the App situation escalates, how can I be firm that I don’t want it?

I’m sort of bad at standing up for myself even when I think I’m right

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