
Been reading Howard Zinn’s ” A People’s History” and

The only thing that has changed, as far as the wealth distribution goes, is the fact that it has gotten even more condensed into the hands of even fewer. What is needed is, legitimately, mass strikes, mass protests, massive reform. The rich and rich lawyers came up with the idea of the middle class to make a buffer zone between the uber rich and the uber poor. It has worked seamlessly. They also came up with the idea for rich people to include the middle class in their speeches by saying things like, “our liberty, our freedom” etc while being absolutely separate in class and worlds from those they were including in no more than words. Fast forward to today: there are countless millions of people the world over that struggle to even put a roof over their heads while working more than full time and, at the same time,…

The only thing that has changed, as far as the wealth distribution goes, is the fact that it has gotten even more condensed into the hands of even fewer.

What is needed is, legitimately, mass strikes, mass protests, massive reform.

The rich and rich lawyers came up with the idea of the middle class to make a buffer zone between the uber rich and the uber poor. It has worked seamlessly. They also came up with the idea for rich people to include the middle class in their speeches by saying things like, “our liberty, our freedom” etc while being absolutely separate in class and worlds from those they were including in no more than words.

Fast forward to today: there are countless millions of people the world over that struggle to even put a roof over their heads while working more than full time and, at the same time, vote against their best interests or, even worse, don't vote at all (before the massive 'reform' that prevents many people from lawfully voting in the states).

Included in this is the real estate market where it's just another market for the rich to make money off of the poor. This is being exacerbated by inflation and we, the people, seem powerless to do anything about it.

However, all of the power is in our hands.

That is why it is not just a good idea to strike, but is absolutely necessary if we want to move anywhere but down and into our cars (if we are lucky enough to have a car).

If it seems expensive to take such dire actions now, imagine how it would be in a few months, a few years, is there that much time left for the majority to do anything about it?

Then, on the other hand, imagine where we would be today if we, whenever being stepped on, lifted ourselves up instead of licking the boots of our oppressors. Because the rich are nothing but an oppressive class of monsters that steal everything and provide nothing.

Break up every monopoly. Make housing a right and not an investment to make money with off the backs of our fellow working people. Do not attack each other or even one rung higher on the ladder when there are those so obscenely wealthy that they just use us as pawns against each other to avoid ever being in the spotlight, much less ever receiving any consequences for their massive inaction.

I could (and should) go on, but I think this is a good enough start for now. Like you, I have to get back to being a wage slave where, as individuals we have little strength. But as a collective, we are the ones that run every aspect of the world.

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