
Judged for working part time only.

Anyone else here only work part time and want to make me feel better about myself? Aha, let me explain, I have a job now where I work 5 hrs a day, 6 if I want the optional over time so some days I start an hr earlier… Anyway, whenever I fell anyone this, I get comments such as “why don't you work more?” “Isn't that a little lazy?” “Surely you don't make enough you should work more hours” or any variation of these questions. The simple answer is, I don't want to I love nothing more than doing my shift and then doing absolutely nothing the rest of the day, it's heavenly, I used to work 10-12hrs a day 5/6 days a week and it was killing me. Why is it so unacceptable to just work less, anyone else noticed this? Rant over but yeah, any other part time…

Anyone else here only work part time and want to make me feel better about myself? Aha, let me explain, I have a job now where I work 5 hrs a day, 6 if I want the optional over time so some days I start an hr earlier… Anyway, whenever I fell anyone this, I get comments such as “why don't you work more?” “Isn't that a little lazy?” “Surely you don't make enough you should work more hours” or any variation of these questions.

The simple answer is, I don't want to I love nothing more than doing my shift and then doing absolutely nothing the rest of the day, it's heavenly, I used to work 10-12hrs a day 5/6 days a week and it was killing me. Why is it so unacceptable to just work less, anyone else noticed this?

Rant over but yeah, any other part time friends would be welcome to comment and share experiences.

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