
Dear antiwork… let’s have a chat about politics.

Hey guys. I comment a lot in this community, mostly about working conditions and questions directly pertaining to careers and work, but I wanted to express my opinion on the inherent socialist and communist ideals that are prevalent in this sub. I don’t support those forms of government. There! I said it! And guess what? I still like you guys and what you’re fighting for. Yes, I do get called out for being here sometimes, and I’ve even had a few death threats from angry people who think I’m their enemy simply because I own properties, have money, or live a lifestyle that happens to trigger them in some way or another. Regardless, I have learned quite a lot from people on this sub. There are idiots here, like any sub, but there are also very informed and well-educated people here too. I think it is important to understand both…

Hey guys. I comment a lot in this community, mostly about working conditions and questions directly pertaining to careers and work, but I wanted to express my opinion on the inherent socialist and communist ideals that are prevalent in this sub.

I don’t support those forms of government. There! I said it! And guess what? I still like you guys and what you’re fighting for. Yes, I do get called out for being here sometimes, and I’ve even had a few death threats from angry people who think I’m their enemy simply because I own properties, have money, or live a lifestyle that happens to trigger them in some way or another. Regardless, I have learned quite a lot from people on this sub. There are idiots here, like any sub, but there are also very informed and well-educated people here too.

I think it is important to understand both sides of the political spectrum. I’m not right or left. I try to be informed on everything and form my own opinions based on the best from all sides. Some right-wing idiots come in here and bash leftist ideals and start fights, whilst left wing extremists advocate for revolution and violence. They are both examples of what is wrong with the current state of the world. Everything has become so polarized, that you’re either ‘with us or against us.’ I think this is a dangerous mentality to have on any topic, especially politics.

I personally really want to eliminate as much suffering in the world as possible, and I think fixing our current system via political discourse is the best way to achieve that. Those who romanticize revolution are deluding themselves into think it will make things better – it won’t. It would bring an economic hardship that would destroy what is left of the middle class and reduce us all to poverty. Doing nothing isn’t an option either, as it just lets the upper 1% collect more and more wealth from all of us. As with most things, I think the answer is in the middle. We need to regulate and modify our current system to bring more people up into the middle class, and more wealth down from the upper class. I don’t think a system where everyone is ‘equal’ will ever work due to inherent human nature, but focusing on having a very strong middle is the best way to make as many people happy as realistically possible.

These are just my opinions, and I’m not an expert, but it seems common sense to me. Why destroy something instead of fixing it? Why cause more hardship for those who already have it reasonably well off? Instead, let us focus on common ground and improve working conditions for everyone, bring people up from poverty, tax the hell out of the elites and bring some healthy balance back to the world.

To those here who are socialist/communist, I am not your enemy. I think a lot of the opinions and ideals you have a great and I want some of them implemented yesterday, even if I don’t adhere to all of them. To those who are right wing and support the billionaires and exploitation of the poor, you’re not going to find many friends here, but I’ll still happily engage in respectful dialogue with you too. To anyone who sends me more death threats for simply trying to understand and learn, you’re the problem with the world and I will gladly report you.

If you’re interested in my opinions and want to engage in a civilized manner, ask away. If you're just an angry asshole who resorts to ad hominem attacks, and cannot even be bothered to form an articulate and thoughtful response, just leave me alone and go back to your memes.


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