
“Teachers want everything to be normal. That’s why they leaving.”

That's the BS being peddled by Fox News. I walked out of the shower this morning to hear this coming from the tv while my dad was watching it. They were going on about how teachers have been leaving in mass droves since 2020 and the pandemic made things rougher for everyone. They then went on to talk about how student attendance/enrollment went down and more children were being homeschooled and school budgets were being cut and more educators were being let go because of it. And at the end of it all, the point that was being made was that things need to go back to normal. That teachers would return if students would return to the classroom and things would go back to pre-Covid. Not a single mention about how teachers are underpaid and overworked. Or how a higher wage would definitely bring back teachers. No, it's totally…

That's the BS being peddled by Fox News. I walked out of the shower this morning to hear this coming from the tv while my dad was watching it. They were going on about how teachers have been leaving in mass droves since 2020 and the pandemic made things rougher for everyone. They then went on to talk about how student attendance/enrollment went down and more children were being homeschooled and school budgets were being cut and more educators were being let go because of it. And at the end of it all, the point that was being made was that things need to go back to normal. That teachers would return if students would return to the classroom and things would go back to pre-Covid. Not a single mention about how teachers are underpaid and overworked. Or how a higher wage would definitely bring back teachers. No, it's totally because of the lack of normalcy. Excuse me while I go throw up.

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