
Quit my job before the end of my 2 weeks notice

So I had a new job lined up that paid better than the one I had, it also has the option to do part-time if needed. I gave my two weeks notice and everything was going smoothly. On my last week at work, I get a text from my friend saying that they were graduating (PhD) and would love to have us (their friends) there as they don't have any family member to watch them graduate. Yes it was a last minute notice but I'll be damned if I'd miss out on their graduation. I go to work the next day and ask one of the team leads if I could leave 1.5 hours before the end of my shift so I can make it to the graduation and I provided them with solutions on making up the time I'll be missing (working late, coming in to work early, only…

So I had a new job lined up that paid better than the one I had, it also has the option to do part-time if needed.

I gave my two weeks notice and everything was going smoothly. On my last week at work, I get a text from my friend saying that they were graduating (PhD) and would love to have us (their friends) there as they don't have any family member to watch them graduate. Yes it was a last minute notice but I'll be damned if I'd miss out on their graduation.

I go to work the next day and ask one of the team leads if I could leave 1.5 hours before the end of my shift so I can make it to the graduation and I provided them with solutions on making up the time I'll be missing (working late, coming in to work early, only taking 30 mins lunch). They go and ask the manager, of course the manager say no and that if I have any questions, I can talk to the them about it.

I was livid, I went and talked to the manager. They said I don't have any sick time left to let me leave early (ok fair but I gave you so many options to make up the time) then they said its cause I'm leaving soon and that they need me for those 1.5 hours (mind you, it's a call centre but I only make calls, I don't receive any so it's all based on how much work I get done). Then they dare to say that if it was so important, it would have been brought up earlier (I told them I only knew about it the night before.) When I asked if I could just do 30 mins lunches to make up for the time they right away dismissed it and said that they don't want people to get in the habit of taking 30 mins lunches to leave early. So said thank you and left their office.

30 mins before the time I asked to leave early, I walked into the office of one of the team leads and told them I was leaving in 30 mins and that today will be my last day.

Shit felt amazing and it was a big fuck you to them cause they needed me for those days as only me and another person are in charge of a certain department. That manager thought that I was just going to bend over and take it.

Never put work over your personal life cause to corporations, you're just a number that they can replace.

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