
Given a Warning for Calling in Sick Due to Mental Health

I was scheduled to work opening last Saturday. However, the night before, I had suffered from a fever due to a sinus infection which cleared up before morning, so I thought I'd be good to work. Unfortunately, my head had other ideas. When I got up, I felt like I would be unable to deal with customers (this has happened in the past, and I've gotten irritated at work before to the point of a mental breakdown). I informed my manager that I needed to take a day off, citing the previous night's fever (I work in food service, so it probably was for the best that I didn't go). She told me to ask one of my coworkers to cover my shift, so I called two of them. One couldn't come in any earlier, and the other never answered. I didn't know what else I could do, but after…

I was scheduled to work opening last Saturday. However, the night before, I had suffered from a fever due to a sinus infection which cleared up before morning, so I thought I'd be good to work. Unfortunately, my head had other ideas.

When I got up, I felt like I would be unable to deal with customers (this has happened in the past, and I've gotten irritated at work before to the point of a mental breakdown). I informed my manager that I needed to take a day off, citing the previous night's fever (I work in food service, so it probably was for the best that I didn't go). She told me to ask one of my coworkers to cover my shift, so I called two of them. One couldn't come in any earlier, and the other never answered.

I didn't know what else I could do, but after an hour, my manager called and told me that I now had a warning for not coming in or getting someone to cover my shift. Of course, this made me feel even worse than I already had, and both my sister and my boyfriend agree that my manager was in the wrong, as at the time, I wasn't sure if my fever (along with runny nose and itchy throat) was due to a sinus infection or COVID.

This experience has made me want to quit working at my job even more, aside from another incident at work this past Tuesday involving a Karen. I've started looking for another job, but it sucks knowing that until I'm hired somewhere else, I'm stuck in a job that I hate and is eating away at my mental health.

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