
Why have kids if they will work until they die?

My mom is a poor wage slave that has sat behind a desk for 30 years. My dad sat on the back of a lawn mower for 40 years. They never even remotely liked their job. In fact, my dad‘s body was completely destroyed from decades of manual labor. Yet they decided to have kids and force us to work for 60 years as well. Why would you do this to someone? I now have to do decades of mundane and tedious toil for comically rich men. I hate it, it literally drives me insane. Why would any rational person do this to someone you love?

My mom is a poor wage slave that has sat behind a desk for 30 years.

My dad sat on the back of a lawn mower for 40 years.

They never even remotely liked their job. In fact, my dad‘s body was completely destroyed from decades of manual labor.

Yet they decided to have kids and force us to work for 60 years as well.

Why would you do this to someone? I now have to do decades of mundane and tedious toil for comically rich men.

I hate it, it literally drives me insane.

Why would any rational person do this to someone you love?

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