
Manager lied about my performance

I’ve been working at a certain fast food joint and something started happening. People scheduled seven hours or more were entitled to a break. So they started scheduling people six hours and then asking them to do something right before the end of their shift that they “had to finish” which usually brought them to seven hours, just without a break since it wasn’t scheduled. I asked my manager if I could be scheduled seven hours if she’s going to have me work seven hours. She said she’d see what she could do. Next thing I know, I was scheduled for 2 three hour shifts for the week. I was shocked. I need to pay rent, I have a cat. I need food. I started looking for other employment but worked that six hour work week and a ten hour work week after that, hoping it was just a fluke.…

I’ve been working at a certain fast food joint and something started happening. People scheduled seven hours or more were entitled to a break. So they started scheduling people six hours and then asking them to do something right before the end of their shift that they “had to finish” which usually brought them to seven hours, just without a break since it wasn’t scheduled.

I asked my manager if I could be scheduled seven hours if she’s going to have me work seven hours. She said she’d see what she could do. Next thing I know, I was scheduled for 2 three hour shifts for the week. I was shocked. I need to pay rent, I have a cat. I need food. I started looking for other employment but worked that six hour work week and a ten hour work week after that, hoping it was just a fluke. She asked me if I liked having that short of a work week and I told her no as I need to pay rent. The next week was another six hours.

I finally reached out to the head manager and asked why my hours had suddenly been cut. Apparently, the kitchen manager I spoke to said my performance had been lacking and they couldn’t rely on me to do more than two positions. Even though I had done almost all of them just fine and often worked with a short staffed kitchen doing multiple positions at a time. I was floored and so angry.

However, I have very bad anxiety when it comes to conflict due to past abuse, so rather than confronting her or doing something else brave like I’ve seen on here, I quit on the spot and explained everything to the head manager via text. I can’t even bare to see her again.

I have two job interviews scheduled, but the six and ten hour work week has really hurt me financially. I don’t know what I’m going to do

(Cashapp in comments)

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