
Boss’s boss seems pissed that I want to challenge a non-compete from my previous employer.

I'm sorry if this gets confusing with companies not being named. I currently work for Company A. My old employer, Company B, made components that are used in A's product. I worked and currently work in R&D for both. A also makes the same component that they only put in their current product; they don't sell it to other companies. I had signed a non-disclosure (that I have no problem with) and non-compete (that I think are total bullshit) with B. The original agreement was the standard “blah blah blah you can't work for anyone who competes directly or indirectly with us for up to a year after you leave”. A would qualify as indirect competition as if they make more of said component, it would hurt B's business. Whatever, that's how it goes, while being shitty, I can't do anything about that kind of corporate culture. So I got…

I'm sorry if this gets confusing with companies not being named.

I currently work for Company A. My old employer, Company B, made components that are used in A's product. I worked and currently work in R&D for both. A also makes the same component that they only put in their current product; they don't sell it to other companies. I had signed a non-disclosure (that I have no problem with) and non-compete (that I think are total bullshit) with B. The original agreement was the standard “blah blah blah you can't work for anyone who competes directly or indirectly with us for up to a year after you leave”. A would qualify as indirect competition as if they make more of said component, it would hurt B's business. Whatever, that's how it goes, while being shitty, I can't do anything about that kind of corporate culture.

So I got the job at A, and B gave me a special new agreement to sign that said I could work at A as long as I don't work on said component for a year. Whatever, I'll take my way out of this shitty death trap of a company. It's been 6 months, and I was reviewing that contract recently and it says I can't talk to researchers, scientists, staff, or anyone else involved with that component for my /entire employment at A/. This is clearly non binding as the time limit is way too long. It also interferes with any outside-of-work activities that said staff may be a part of.

So I emailed the VP in charge of R&D and asked him if we could talk to legal about it. He responded saying that I signed that agreement and it would be unethical to break the agreement, and he wants to meet in a couple of weeks to discuss it. He also never liked me to start with, because my “character isn't what he's looking for” (it means I'm not exactly a company man when it comes to lying to customers and fucking up the environment). I know this because my old direct boss was honest and told me as much, and then she got fired for going against his wishes in ways like that.

I scheduled the meeting but I'm scared. He might use this as an excuse for firing me. I have no savings built up because I spent them all to move for this job. The meeting is in 2 weeks so I'll definitely update if people are interested.

Currently I work in Wisconsin, and Company B was in Ohio. I am planning on recording the conversation, as WI is a one party consent state.

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