

Anyone else carrying trauma from their last job? I started a new job about a month ago and the difference between this and my old job is incredible. I’m now doing front desk at a hotel, and sometimes I’m away from the desk doing other stuff. Sometimes I’ll come back and my manager will be answering the phone if it rang or helping guests if there are any. My first instinct is to feel guilty and apologize profusely but that’s not necessary here. She doesn’t mind helping out, she doesn’t micromanage, she automatically jumps in to help with more complicated situations or unhappy guests, and she actually has our backs if a guest is rude. One of my first nights here alone, I made a significant mistake and had to call the manager to help me fix it. She seemed irritated at first (I don’t blame her) but a little…

Anyone else carrying trauma from their last job? I started a new job about a month ago and the difference between this and my old job is incredible. I’m now doing front desk at a hotel, and sometimes I’m away from the desk doing other stuff. Sometimes I’ll come back and my manager will be answering the phone if it rang or helping guests if there are any. My first instinct is to feel guilty and apologize profusely but that’s not necessary here. She doesn’t mind helping out, she doesn’t micromanage, she automatically jumps in to help with more complicated situations or unhappy guests, and she actually has our backs if a guest is rude.

One of my first nights here alone, I made a significant mistake and had to call the manager to help me fix it. She seemed irritated at first (I don’t blame her) but a little bit later she called me back solely to assure me not to worry about it. At my old job, I would have been cussed out by the owner until I was crying. It’s just such a relief to not have constant anxiety at work.

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