
I wanted to be an actor.

Sorry in advance for any typo. I know this isn't news on this subreddit, but everything's so fucking rigged, to the last detail. I wanted to be an actor. I went through different faces of what I wanted to do with my life, but acting always came back around. I love it. I never said it to my parents, because I knew that they wouldn't be supportive. Too much risk for little reward, well, at least for someone of my background. I'm working class, born, raised and still living in Argentina. That didn't matter to me though, because of stories. The rags to riches tales of celebrities that come from nothing and reach the stars, the stories that capitalists love to bring up to uphold claims of meritocracy. Then reality hit the door. A trend started to surface, online. Many youtubers and articles talked about nepotism babies. Out of nowhere,…

Sorry in advance for any typo.

I know this isn't news on this subreddit, but everything's so fucking rigged, to the last detail.

I wanted to be an actor. I went through different faces of what I wanted to do with my life, but acting always came back around. I love it. I never said it to my parents, because I knew that they wouldn't be supportive. Too much risk for little reward, well, at least for someone of my background. I'm working class, born, raised and still living in Argentina. That didn't matter to me though, because of stories. The rags to riches tales of celebrities that come from nothing and reach the stars, the stories that capitalists love to bring up to uphold claims of meritocracy.

Then reality hit the door. A trend started to surface, online. Many youtubers and articles talked about nepotism babies. Out of nowhere, my movies and tv shows turned out to be filled with the children, grandchildren, nephews and nieces of really famous actors and actresses that I look up to as examples to emulate. The people pointing out this stuff joked about how Hollywood stardom basically works as a hereditary position, and it was undeniable, nepotism is everywhere in the acting business. Still, I decided to set that fact aside, and think about many other stars that didn't have family in Hollywood. I fixated, in particular, on two young guys around my age that had their first big break very recently in a show called Euphoria (if you don't know it, you don't exist. I don't make the rules). They aren't famous quite yet, but they will be, since they already got jobs on other big projects. I was fixated on them, they gave me hope that I could just get a big breakthrough and everything would go smoothly after that.

I could've just stay with that in mind, but the rabbit hole was already open for me, and I had to go down. Turns out this two upcoming stars, while not having familial ties to the industry, both come from wealth, the father of one of them being the legal advisor of a well known firm, explaining why he was able to attend the NYU for theatre and get some juicy references. The other guy's parents are also business people, and he went to a very expensive private school. All of this meaning they had the time and resources to focus on their careers and make them flourish. All of this leaving out any possible contact that theirs parents could've had with casting agencies and stuff (because it seems that rich people know everyone from anywhere).

Deep sigh and that is the case with, I estimate, most actors and actresses. Coming from money.

I might seem shallow. So many people here denouncing exploitation and unemployment, and here I am, complaining about my frustrated dreams like some brat. But it's just… everything comes down to money in the end dammit. I could be just as talented as those two actors I mentioned, maybe even more, but because I don't have tons of green papers I will never be able to show it.

Makes you wonder what's the point if everything is already decided for you, in the end. Life is a rigged ass game, but people will judge you for not wanting to play anyway.

Anyways, although this is a self centered rant, it also may serve to tell people with broken dreams like mine, that you're not untalented or unworthy, you're just busy, working. Or studying to work, or both. You're not untalented or unworthy, you just can't pay to go to a prestigious school. You're not untalented or unworthy, you just happen to live in a world where it was decided that a system that keeps certain people up and others down is the best thing we have.

Edit: the typos and missing words were too much for my eyes, I think I corrected them all.

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