
Gut the Whole System and Start Over

We are to the point where politicians and the upper classes ought to be getting VERY nervous. The lower/working classes are growing significantly, and wages aren't providing what people need to survive virtually across the board. This growing mass of people are getting angry, desperate, and all around fed up with being tread on. There won't be a voluntary distribution of wealth, and those in power will insist on staying that way. So what are the options we, as the ones being tread on? We refuse to work. We walk out and try to find ways to thrive together without money. This is pretty difficult to achieve because we are convinced as a society that we have no worth without selling ourselves for money. Those with money will start to lose it because they don't have wage slaves to do their bidding, so they will go out of their way…

We are to the point where politicians and the upper classes ought to be getting VERY nervous. The lower/working classes are growing significantly, and wages aren't providing what people need to survive virtually across the board. This growing mass of people are getting angry, desperate, and all around fed up with being tread on. There won't be a voluntary distribution of wealth, and those in power will insist on staying that way. So what are the options we, as the ones being tread on?

  1. We refuse to work. We walk out and try to find ways to thrive together without money. This is pretty difficult to achieve because we are convinced as a society that we have no worth without selling ourselves for money. Those with money will start to lose it because they don't have wage slaves to do their bidding, so they will go out of their way to sabotage this effort, using those that are comfortable being wage slaves to achieve as much. Regardless, stoicly demanding autonomy and taking matters into our own hands by learning to survive without relying on corporations will go a long way in negotiating terms with our government.

  2. We rise up and just start taking what we need to survive. Just walk in to the supermarkets that make millions in profits every year and just take what we need to feed ourselves and our families. The first of us to do this will get arrested and sorted into the prison industrial complex, but then the prisons all reach capacity and the message is sent on top of public outcry. The discord will lead to petitions to change policy and people being either voted or forced out. Ideally this will be done without any physical harm coming to those who get phased out, but humans are capable of very monstrous things when at their wit's end.

  3. The extreme happens, the wealthy and powerful get turned on. I'd like to believe that these people won't be outright murdered or harmed, but their businesses will be forced to shut down by either supply chain sabotage or (hopefully not) the buildings being destroyed over and over. Insurance companies won't be able to keep up and everything falls to chaos. With nationwide uprising, the military will get called on. The problem with this as far as the government is concerned is they will entirely lose face with the rest of the world if they resort to killing or even mass-arresting their citizens using the military which are sworn to protect the people. Many people in the military have the mentality that they would sooner turn their weapons on their own superiors than kill citizens, and though that's not universally true, it may be what it ultimately takes for us to start anew and have a system that allows everyone to not only survive, but maybe even thrive. I'd like to hope that the military will seize their own resources to keep us safe from foreign threats with these events occurring.

DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT PROMOTING DOMESTIC TERRORISM OR ANY KIND OF VIOLENCE, I'M POINTING OUT WHAT I BELIEVE IT WILL WILL TAKE FOR US TO FINALLY ALL HAVE QUALITY OF LIFE! I sincerely hope that option 2 doesn't even need to happen. I hope that this came across as coherent and educational, as opposed to angry and inflammatory.

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