
Recently lost my job, gave 2-4 weeks notice, and was told to leave immediately and not come back.

I ended up in a manipulative and abusive work environment. Yesterday I finally gave notice, saying I would stay on for up to a month so they could find someone else. I was told to leave immediately and not come back. I’m now without income. There were so many red flags initially and I got to the point where I could no longer take it. I guess my point is, no matter how badly you need a job do not ignore the red flags and do not let anyone treat you poorly because you need income.

I ended up in a manipulative and abusive work environment. Yesterday I finally gave notice, saying I would stay on for up to a month so they could find someone else. I was told to leave immediately and not come back. I’m now without income.

There were so many red flags initially and I got to the point where I could no longer take it.

I guess my point is, no matter how badly you need a job do not ignore the red flags and do not let anyone treat you poorly because you need income.

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