
Keep making companies pay. Lots of momentum growing for work place change.

I'm loving what I see. People sticking it to corporations and companies that abuse or underpay their ppl. So many other countries have laws that protect ppl like us but cuz our government (US mostly but I'm sure others are just as bad) goes hand in hand with big business we gotta be louder than those other countries to get effective changes made. Keep it up people. Don't let jobs add responsibilities without extra compensation. Don't let jobs tell you how much of your life you have to give to them. Humans weren't meant for being working class slaves. Don't let work become your life. No one ever died saying “I really wish I worked more in my life”. Work life balance is important.

I'm loving what I see. People sticking it to corporations and companies that abuse or underpay their ppl. So many other countries have laws that protect ppl like us but cuz our government (US mostly but I'm sure others are just as bad) goes hand in hand with big business we gotta be louder than those other countries to get effective changes made.

Keep it up people. Don't let jobs add responsibilities without extra compensation. Don't let jobs tell you how much of your life you have to give to them.

Humans weren't meant for being working class slaves. Don't let work become your life. No one ever died saying “I really wish I worked more in my life”.

Work life balance is important.

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