
Working in B to B sucks hard

Hello, I recently had my first experience as a purchasing officer. It is my first “serious” job after doing a little bit of everything (waiter, bartender, receptionist etc). I knew nearly nothing about the business world and I was kinda jealous of these chic people doing important stuff behind their computers. My job now is to buy the services or products from the suppliers. I work with Italy, France, China and U.S. But I am really disapponted by the service I get. I mean often we have orders above 10000$. The supplier engages already to a long delay like at least 3 months which isn't ideal. For example, I pass order in January, they confirm it for april. And when april comes, I realize that the delivery hasn't been made yet but we haven't been informed. I send an e-mail, they don't respond. I am sending second, third e-mails asking…


I recently had my first experience as a purchasing officer. It is my first “serious” job after doing a little bit of everything (waiter, bartender, receptionist etc). I knew nearly nothing about the business world and I was kinda jealous of these chic people doing important stuff behind their computers.

My job now is to buy the services or products from the suppliers. I work with Italy, France, China and U.S. But I am really disapponted by the service I get.

I mean often we have orders above 10000$. The supplier engages already to a long delay like at least 3 months which isn't ideal. For example, I pass order in January, they confirm it for april. And when april comes, I realize that the delivery hasn't been made yet but we haven't been informed. I send an e-mail, they don't respond. I am sending second, third e-mails asking explanations. They reply with a simple : “delayed to august 25”, and when it is august, the same scenario for delaying it to december. there isn't even an excuse and zero explanations on the reasons and you are chasing for the slightest piece of information on your order.

As a client, I pass my whole day anticipating my orders, sending mails asking if they will be delivered on time 15 days before the order. They don't even know. When the shipping date passes, they are incapable of giving a new date. I mean what kind of customer service is that, you find yourselr chasing information that you should be served because you are paying, and a lot.

I am really shocked by the business environment. I was thinking that the concurrence was rude, by the slightest error they have the choice to change suppliers, but I start to see that we don't really have a choice but to support the bad service. And noone is thinking about changing suppliers, I don't know why.

I mean as a normal person, when I go to a shop and if there is an employee who doesn't respect me, you can be sure that I am not going back there again. I am shocked that poor people like me have better service in their daily lives when they are paying only 5$ for a beer, but as a business even if you pay 50000$ you don't have the service you deserve and it is a disaster.

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