
Cheaper to give raises

I just did an extensive walk through with a client about the fact that it's cheaper to give raises than it is to have a high turn over. Not sure it's going to work, but she is presenting it to the board. I'm trying to get these employees up to a living wage (not $15, but rather $20 an hour). I laid all the numbers out to her. Many people only think about the cost in the wage, but there's so much more. Training, for one. It takes 3 months to train someone, so 3 months of 40 hours a week. Then there's the constant cost of benefits. One person accruing and using PTO is cheaper than 3 people doing the same thing in the same amount of time. Plus all the employer taxes they never think about. SUTA and FUTA reset each time they term someone and do a…

I just did an extensive walk through with a client about the fact that it's cheaper to give raises than it is to have a high turn over. Not sure it's going to work, but she is presenting it to the board. I'm trying to get these employees up to a living wage (not $15, but rather $20 an hour). I laid all the numbers out to her. Many people only think about the cost in the wage, but there's so much more. Training, for one. It takes 3 months to train someone, so 3 months of 40 hours a week. Then there's the constant cost of benefits. One person accruing and using PTO is cheaper than 3 people doing the same thing in the same amount of time. Plus all the employer taxes they never think about. SUTA and FUTA reset each time they term someone and do a new hire, whereas, if someone hits the cap, the employer quits paying on that for the year.

Wondering if it will work.

Am I naive to have hope?

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