
Today is my day off. Got informed that there was a staff meeting and was asked to come in. Was I wrong to say no?

This recently happened. I've been met with some criticism by my supervisor who mentioned that I needed to be trained more when it comes to declining individuals requests at my job. I have been working here a couple months and during this time I have become increasingly frustrated with how things have been. We are ALWAYS low staffed and despite trying to hire individuals for the entire time I've been here, people either ghost at the interviews or straight up are terrible and are fired pretty quickly after starting. There is no communication between staff and the people we are helping. Overall, I have been incredibly stressed at this job and there has been multiple issues with payroll fucking up pay (First check was late and they told me I had been payed even though I hadn't been, coworkers not getting paid overtime/holiday properly, etc.,) ​ Today though was a…

This recently happened. I've been met with some criticism by my supervisor who mentioned that I needed to be trained more when it comes to declining individuals requests at my job. I have been working here a couple months and during this time I have become increasingly frustrated with how things have been. We are ALWAYS low staffed and despite trying to hire individuals for the entire time I've been here, people either ghost at the interviews or straight up are terrible and are fired pretty quickly after starting. There is no communication between staff and the people we are helping. Overall, I have been incredibly stressed at this job and there has been multiple issues with payroll fucking up pay (First check was late and they told me I had been payed even though I hadn't been, coworkers not getting paid overtime/holiday properly, etc.,)

Today though was a meeting and I'm pretty sure I got informed about it pretty close to it starting. When I informed my supervisor that today was my day off, I was instantly texted back “Could you come in?”

I said that I had prior commitments and personal situations to take care of at the moment and that I would be unable to. They have never asked me to attend a meeting like this before (I have actually never attended one before?) so this concerning to me. This job is making me miserable but finding another job and dealing with changing insurances again has me scared. I am barely scraping by financially.

Does this happen often in other jobs? I haven't been informed of other people coming in on their days off for meetings but I don't know. Is this allowed? I don't think they would ask me to clock in for this either as they are usually 1-2 hours long i believe.

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