
Is it legal for a company to cut employee hours while hiring new employees and giving them full time hours?

The grocery store in my town recently installed self checkout kiosks. We live in Texas for reference. It is the only grocery store in a 15 mile radius. Until recently, most of the front line employees has been there for several years. I know one of them very well, she is a neighbor of mine. I have refused to use the self checkout because I resent the fact that these lovely people are being forced out. So have many of the other customers-it is almost always empty. She told me yesterday that her hours have been cut to 4 a week, and she has been there 1.5 years. Meanwhile, they hired a bunch of new front line employees(cashiers, baggers) and are giving them 30 plus hours a week and cutting the employees hours who have been there before. She said that management said “Until the self checkout kiosks are being…

The grocery store in my town recently installed self checkout kiosks. We live in Texas for reference. It is the only grocery store in a 15 mile radius. Until recently, most of the front line employees has been there for several years. I know one of them very well, she is a neighbor of mine. I have refused to use the self checkout because I resent the fact that these lovely people are being forced out. So have many of the other customers-it is almost always empty. She told me yesterday that her hours have been cut to 4 a week, and she has been there 1.5 years. Meanwhile, they hired a bunch of new front line employees(cashiers, baggers) and are giving them 30 plus hours a week and cutting the employees hours who have been there before. She said that management said “Until the self checkout kiosks are being used for 50% of transactions, they will continue to cut hours.” Is this legal? It seems like the company may be taking advantage of some government stimuluses or something. Why would they try to force out everyone who was there before by cutting their hours and give all the hours to the new people? There were two young teenagers(one of whom bullied my daughter on the bus a few months ago) doing my bagging and ringing up yesterday, and my friend was working the self-checkout area. It seems odd to make her do the self checkout which is ruining her hours and give the new people who were hired THIS WEEK 30 plus hours a week on the registers. It seems like something is really wrong here, is there anything I can do to help?

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