
No More OT

I thought you all would appreciate this. This happened just under a year ago at my current company. Our “GM” we will call him Bert, is the GM only in name. Nothing else. No one treats him like one and he surely doesn’t act like one. He will occasionally get a bug over some issue. At this time it was OT. As a key employee I worked some OT, 4-8 hours a week. I was working in 3 departments providing coverage as needed. Bert had talked to me about “all my OT” and how he needed to approve any future OT beyond 4hrs. Even though he had nothing to do with staffing or the daily management of the store. Fast forward a few weeks after this conversation and our HR manager and Range manager come to me and ask if I can stay overnight and come in early for a…

I thought you all would appreciate this. This happened just under a year ago at my current company. Our “GM” we will call him Bert, is the GM only in name. Nothing else. No one treats him like one and he surely doesn’t act like one. He will occasionally get a bug over some issue.

At this time it was OT. As a key employee I worked some OT, 4-8 hours a week. I was working in 3 departments providing coverage as needed. Bert had talked to me about “all my OT” and how he needed to approve any future OT beyond 4hrs. Even though he had nothing to do with staffing or the daily management of the store.

Fast forward a few weeks after this conversation and our HR manager and Range manager come to me and ask if I can stay overnight and come in early for a key range cleaning. I’m staring at 14+ hours of OT in addition to my standard OT. I say yes, what else do I have to do, literally sit at my desk until the workers are done and then lock up. Fast forward to the next payroll. Bert comes storming over to me, proceeds to ream me about my 20 hours of OT, asking where I got the nerve to pull that etc. I told him to go communicate with his managers and to never ask me for anything ever again.

HR apologizes to me. I reiterate that as long as he’s GM I’ll never help again. Fast forward 6 months and it’s time for maintenance again. No one is able/willing to pull the overnight shift. Bert and HR come to me and ask for help, I remind them of the last time and say no. The upkeep winds up taking twice as long leading to a loss in revenue

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