
We can win. We hold all of the power.

We need to organize and come together and let them know we are more than willing to cripple this economy for what they’re doing to us. If enough people who work average jobs get together, and just stop working, we win. Retail workers, baristas, software devs, grocery store employees, fast food workers, all of us. Just stop. Bring the US to a grinding halt. It won’t be fun or easy, but planned properly it can be done. I’m just an average person. I’m tired of seeing other average people suffer because the wealthy control us. They’re scared because we are under populated. They’re scared they will lose an abused and obedient workforce. Let’s just take it from them. I want people to come together. I don’t fully know what I’m doing or how to do it, so I come to everyone for help. We can plan this and pull this…

We need to organize and come together and let them know we are more than willing to cripple this economy for what they’re doing to us. If enough people who work average jobs get together, and just stop working, we win. Retail workers, baristas, software devs, grocery store employees, fast food workers, all of us. Just stop. Bring the US to a grinding halt. It won’t be fun or easy, but planned properly it can be done.

I’m just an average person. I’m tired of seeing other average people suffer because the wealthy control us. They’re scared because we are under populated. They’re scared they will lose an abused and obedient workforce. Let’s just take it from them.

I want people to come together. I don’t fully know what I’m doing or how to do it, so I come to everyone for help. We can plan this and pull this off together. We can restore women’s rights, protect our Miranda rights, block the killing of innocent people on death row. We have a chance to put their balls in a vice. Let’s fucking do it.

EDIT: reach out, tell everyone you know. Comment here, message me, whatever you have to do. WE have to show some goddamn solidarity.

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