
Vindictive HR guy and boss

Context: I work at this stupid company where the HR guy does not like me. He doesn’t like me because I called him out on his shit when he was being very condescending about me being late to work for some health issues I have. I cannot leave this company because of legal issues, so don’t tell me to just find another job. It’s not possible at all right now. Anyway, let’s call him, the shitty HR guy, Henry. And let’s call my boss Christina. Christina used to like me, but then when I f*cked up a report I was supposed to give her (only ever made a mistake like this once, took full accountability and apologized profusely) she never forgave me for it and continued to treat me with hostility. So I have to get a minor surgery done next week, and I asked if I could work from…

Context: I work at this stupid company where the HR guy does not like me. He doesn’t like me because I called him out on his shit when he was being very condescending about me being late to work for some health issues I have. I cannot leave this company because of legal issues, so don’t tell me to just find another job. It’s not possible at all right now.

Anyway, let’s call him, the shitty HR guy, Henry. And let’s call my boss Christina. Christina used to like me, but then when I f*cked up a report I was supposed to give her (only ever made a mistake like this once, took full accountability and apologized profusely) she never forgave me for it and continued to treat me with hostility.

So I have to get a minor surgery done next week, and I asked if I could work from home after the surgery for just three days so I could recover properly and comfortably. I will still be able to use my brain. I started my job remotely, and it doesn’t need any human interaction at all. Everything I do is on a laptop. A lot of people at my company actually work from home, and the number of days you get to do so are based on your seniority at the company and if your manager likes you. My manager does not like me so I don’t get any days to work from home even though I’ve been here for a while.

I emailed Christina this morning about if I could take the following three days after the surgery as work from home days, and she said she spoke with Henry and “he does not think any employee should work after any type of surgery.” I agree. I do, however, disagree with his next statement, which is that I should use up my PTO, or request for unpaid leave. I have a lot of bills to pay for and I do not get a lot of PTO. I cannot afford to take the unpaid leave. I also cannot afford to use up all my PTO. So I told them I would come in the next day after my surgery.

He called me shortly after I said this, and said that wasn’t a wise thing to do, and that he cared about my well-being and the employees. Yeah, sure, Henry. You “care” so much. He kept saying I should use up my PTO. I kept telling him I was too poor to do that. He then said that if I was going to come in that I needed a doctor’s note to say that I am able to work. It’s honestly just f*cking ridiculous that if I get that note it means I should come in physically to work, but I will not be allowed to work from home. I hate this company. I hate Henry. I hate Christina. I just wish I could get a different job at a place that respected me as a human being, but I’m stuck at this shithole company sobbing at my desk. I’m not looking forward to when I have to come in after my surgery. It’s going to be so painful and exhausting. I’m so tired of this shit.

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