
The US needs a mass general strike. Labor is our greatest bargaining chip and it’s time we use it.

Those in power fear and despise the idea of a strike, to the point that even now we are still struggling to pass a law though the Senate for the second time in 2 years to guarantee the right to unionize. The right to strike in sympathy has been stripped, our rights to be safe in our own country, our right to protest… And now they have stripped women's body autonomy rights, and threaten to come for more. When do we say enough is enough and stand up as a collective voice and demand them to be guaranteed? We need to. The system that has protected the American people is falling apart at the wheels and sliding towards the cliff and if we do not now then when?

Those in power fear and despise the idea of a strike, to the point that even now we are still struggling to pass a law though the Senate for the second time in 2 years to guarantee the right to unionize.

The right to strike in sympathy has been stripped, our rights to be safe in our own country, our right to protest…

And now they have stripped women's body autonomy rights, and threaten to come for more.

When do we say enough is enough and stand up as a collective voice and demand them to be guaranteed?

We need to. The system that has protected the American people is falling apart at the wheels and sliding towards the cliff and if we do not now then when?

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