
We need to stop reacting and start protesting

The Ultimate Protest Anyone that is taking the time to read this I want to thank you. I am begging you to consider what  I have to say and not write it off as some extreme bullshit. I live in Ohio. I have been left-leaning my whole life. I simply want this country to be as great as I was told it was when I grew up. Unfortunately, there are people at the top and in our Government that doesn’t care about anything but money and keeping the status quo. As you may have already seen in the news the Supreme Court has done. If now is not the time to act when is? The Government just took away people's rights and this is most likely the beginning. You may not care about Roe versus Wade but millions of Americans did. What is stopping the Supreme Court from taking away…

The Ultimate Protest

Anyone that is taking the time to read this I want to thank you. I am begging you to consider what  I have to say and not write it off as some extreme bullshit.

I live in Ohio. I have been left-leaning my whole life. I simply want this country to be as great as I was told it was when I grew up. Unfortunately, there are people at the top and in our Government that doesn’t care about anything but money and keeping the status quo.

As you may have already seen in the news the Supreme Court has done. If now is not the time to act when is? The Government just took away people's rights and this is most likely the beginning. You may not care about Roe versus Wade but millions of Americans did.

What is stopping the Supreme Court from taking away rights you do care about? A few working rights we have, minimum wage, voting, etc etc.

I believe there are more people in this country that care about these things than those who don’t. We need to act! I think the easiest way to protest is to have as many people as possible stop going to work on a certain day planned day.

If we can get a majority of the country to protest we can get anything we want. Universal Health Care, better working conditions, better wages, better voting rights, anything else that comes to mind.

The moment the 1% and the government realize people stopping going to work as a protest they are going to freak out. The only thing this country and the 1% care about is money. Their businesses, the Government, and Stockmarket can’t function without us 99%.

The first day will be a trial run to see how many people are with us in this first. From then we extend it. 2 days, a week, a month, etc. The Gov and the 1% will cave. They couldn’t last more than two weeks when Covid hit. We just need to act and hold out.

I know not everyone is going to be able to join like Healthcare professionals police and fire. People who have young kids etc. You can still support us while the people that can protest do.

What is the point of living in this country when it doesn’t care about us? What is the point of going to work and paying taxes that only benefit the top? We all know what it is like to work and how shit it can be.

This is the time to act and make them pass the laws that actually help the 99.





What is going to be bad enough that motivates you to say, “this is enough”?

We have let money-hungry fucks ruin our country for far too long. We need to do something before it is too late.

Here is a list of changes I thought up please feel free to add more in the comments

As soon as the corporate Elite thinks a right is getting in the way of profit they are going to use their money to have the SC get rid of it.

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