
I just realized how unexciting my job is…

So I work in a Lumber Supply store, or rather, the Lumber Yard on the outside of it. My step-son doesn't live with me since me and his mother are getting a divorce but I'm still allowed to video chat with him and my daughter each week. I try to make my work sound exciting… but I just can't so we normally end up talking about his favorite shows or what he's done in school. Put simply I hate my job, I hate my boss and if the place burned down tomkrrow… I really wouldn't complain as long as no one was hurt. Seriously, does anyone on here actually enjoy their job? Better yet, if you have kids, how do you make your work sound exciting to them? Also if this is not allowed can someone reccommend a group to post this in?

So I work in a Lumber Supply store, or rather, the Lumber Yard on the outside of it. My step-son doesn't live with me since me and his mother are getting a divorce but I'm still allowed to video chat with him and my daughter each week. I try to make my work sound exciting… but I just can't so we normally end up talking about his favorite shows or what he's done in school. Put simply I hate my job, I hate my boss and if the place burned down tomkrrow… I really wouldn't complain as long as no one was hurt. Seriously, does anyone on here actually enjoy their job? Better yet, if you have kids, how do you make your work sound exciting to them?

Also if this is not allowed can someone reccommend a group to post this in?

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