
Jacked-up insurance bullshit

My wife, currently the sole breadwinner for the five of us, has just received an 8% raise at her job! Yay! She makes less now! “But Drew,” you may well protest, “you said she got a raise!” Aye, that she did. Her gross pay was increased, and so, according to her employer, her insurance premium specifically increases right along with it. Just enough for the take-home to, in all likelihood, slightly decrease, and for any benefits we may need to apply for to be extra-out- of-the-question, since they operate on means-testing your gross income. This is an at-will employment state. I'm sure the employer has researched and greased the right palms to make this perfectly legal. I don't know. It doesn't matter if it's legal or not. This country is fucked. Boss can do whatever they want, and workers can pound sand. Her employer is headed by a reactionary meat…

My wife, currently the sole breadwinner for the five of us, has just received an 8% raise at her job!


She makes less now!

“But Drew,” you may well protest, “you said she got a raise!”

Aye, that she did. Her gross pay was increased, and so, according to her employer, her insurance premium specifically increases right along with it. Just enough for the take-home to, in all likelihood, slightly decrease, and for any benefits we may need to apply for to be extra-out- of-the-question, since they operate on means-testing your gross income.

This is an at-will employment state. I'm sure the employer has researched and greased the right palms to make this perfectly legal. I don't know. It doesn't matter if it's legal or not. This country is fucked. Boss can do whatever they want, and workers can pound sand. Her employer is headed by a reactionary meat puppet and former GOP politician. He will help the other meat puppets at the top, not the workers under them.

I can't get work myself going on 5 months now and can't get unemployment and am looking into having a go at playing music for money (self-employed), with no real plan nor guarantee it will work. Roe is dead. I'm so very fucking tired today. Please send any vibes you can spare. I'm very sorry to be such a whiny bitch. I love you all.

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