
Job offer….

So I applied for this job about a month ago and just the other day I get emailed with this offer for an IT job that pays $18/hr. So of course I emailed back saying I'm interested (I currently make $12/hr doing IT), so then I get a call back and I go over something kinda like a phone interview. Then this is where I find out a bunch of red flags. First of all it's for the county public schools and has a strict schedule of 8-5 Monday-Friday, second, most likely will not be willing to let me have a day off so I can go to the doctor or other obligations outside work, third, that $18/hr pay is for 1-3 YEARS of experience, since I only have about 1 month experience they would pay me $14/hr……. Then when I said “I'll think about it”, he turned 360 and…

So I applied for this job about a month ago and just the other day I get emailed with this offer for an IT job that pays $18/hr. So of course I emailed back saying I'm interested (I currently make $12/hr doing IT), so then I get a call back and I go over something kinda like a phone interview. Then this is where I find out a bunch of red flags. First of all it's for the county public schools and has a strict schedule of 8-5 Monday-Friday, second, most likely will not be willing to let me have a day off so I can go to the doctor or other obligations outside work, third, that $18/hr pay is for 1-3 YEARS of experience, since I only have about 1 month experience they would pay me $14/hr…….

Then when I said “I'll think about it”, he turned 360 and tried to sell me “but it's $2 more per hour” thing, like wtf I was already put off by all this and you go completely unprofessional and try to sell me this shitty job for a measly $2 EXTRA??????

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