
not paying rent anymore

Maybe it is off subject but let me explain the situation. My wife and I both work. We both live in France and it's gotten to a point, since COVID pandemic, where it's just impossible to survive even when you work. I have a full time contract and make 1400€ a month, my wife is on unemployment (because we live in a village where there is no work) and earns 900€ a month but because we couldn't survive with our earnings she started a job not declared and earns an additional 500€ a month. Our rent is 930€ a month and our food budget is around 800€ a month. And that's to make it simple, a lot of other stuff we have to pay like gasoline and insurance and school food for our daughter et cetera, et cetera, makes it impossible to save some money each month. We do not…

Maybe it is off subject but let me explain the situation.

My wife and I both work. We both live in France and it's gotten to a point, since COVID pandemic, where it's just impossible to survive even when you work. I have a full time contract and make 1400€ a month, my wife is on unemployment (because we live in a village where there is no work) and earns 900€ a month but because we couldn't survive with our earnings she started a job not declared and earns an additional 500€ a month. Our rent is 930€ a month and our food budget is around 800€ a month. And that's to make it simple, a lot of other stuff we have to pay like gasoline and insurance and school food for our daughter et cetera, et cetera, makes it impossible to save some money each month. We do not go to restaurants, nor go vacation, nor have fun.

A few months ago we had a financial problem, to make it simple, we had a huge flood in the house and landlord took her time to fix everything so we didn't pay rent right away as we were living in piss water, my wife's grand pa died that month in Spain and she had to go be with her family. We bought the plane ticket the day she had to go and had to pay it with the rent money. All rent money.

Landlord started an expulsion process despite us saying we will repay little by little each month. The months that passed since have been financially difficult, as we could not pay full rent. And as we were going to be expulsed if we couldn't repay the totality in 2 months time, even if we kept paying rent, we decided to stop paying completly. Just waiting to have enough to rent elsewhere.

We are obliged to act this way, we have never missed a month rent before. We are stuck in a village where there is no work, we have only one car and I have to use it to go to work. So my wife is stuck in the village and can't find work elsewhere. No public transport. And by the time we save enough to buy a car it can pass 2 or 3 years.

In our situation now, we are obliged to not pay rent, to have enough to rent elsewhere and have enough to buy my wife a car so she can find work elsewhere. We have been stuck for 3 years here and it's killing my family. Sometimes my daughter has to eat cereals at night because we don't have food.

I have 2000€ saved already which is going to pay for our next rental and next month we will have sufficient enough to buy my wife a car for her to find a job. Renting here is absolute non sense. You have to be fucking rich to have a normal flat. Just a 2 bedroom flat in the city where there's work is more than 1100 € a month.. and you have to earn 3 times the rent.. and only accept my long term contract.

This situation is depressing us, we are not like that. But the financial situation is making it impossible for us to pay if we want to give our family just a little chance to have a better life.

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