
A letter to the USA, from a European

PSA: The following is my own input and does not reflect the views of any other human being towards the USA. USA, land of opportunity, land of freedom, land of possibilities. As a European, my childhood was spent believing in that type of advertising the USA was pumping out. The USA felt like the goal for anybody who wanted to make it in life. As an adult, HELL NO! Seriously, how much more do you need to take before you take action into your own hands? – Big Pharma syphoning all your money if you ever get sick. You could be a straight-A student all your life, save as much money as possible, be successful at your job and do everything right. Need surgery? Too bad, all your life savings are gone. – Zero job security. At-will employment basically means you can get fired if your boss wakes up on…

PSA: The following is my own input and does not reflect the views of any other human being towards the USA.

USA, land of opportunity, land of freedom, land of possibilities. As a European, my childhood was spent believing in that type of advertising the USA was pumping out. The USA felt like the goal for anybody who wanted to make it in life.

As an adult, HELL NO! Seriously, how much more do you need to take before you take action into your own hands?

– Big Pharma syphoning all your money if you ever get sick. You could be a straight-A student all your life, save as much money as possible, be successful at your job and do everything right. Need surgery? Too bad, all your life savings are gone.

– Zero job security. At-will employment basically means you can get fired if your boss wakes up on the wrong side of the bed. Not to mention since the US has no paid vacation days, you could get fired simply for taking days off. Or for refusing to clock-out while still on the job. Or for a myriad of other reasons mentioned in this subreddit.

– Extremely low education standards. Granted, I did not receive education in the US but do know of 2 friends who did and they mentioned something extremely bizarre. Apparently, engineering degrees' 1st year is all basic math, science and language subjects you should have learned in high school. WHAT? AND, as if that wasn't enough, you now have teachers indoctrinating minors in primary/middle school on gender? Those are called pedophiles, not teachers.

– Extreme wealth inequality. Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk own what, 90% of the country's wealth while half the country now lives paycheck to paycheck with no chance of saving for a rainy day? (This could be an exaggeration, I do not actually know the real percentage)

– Women are now uteruses. Half of your country's population no longer has freedom in their own bodies. After this, what comes next? Ban on contraception? Can you still claim you are free when your whole purpose, at that stage, is being fuel for corporations? That is the Matrix minus the simulation, because this is very real!

But hey! Not all is lost, right? You are still free because you can own a gun… That's it, right? Apparently, that's all you need since the threat of losing your guns seems to be the only thing that sparks enough outrage to make you stop working and protest.

Enough is enough! Or at some point it should be! At some point, in the near future, you will NEED to stop this mindless grinding for profits that will never reach you, directly or indirectly (via healthcare, pensions, etc.).

I know a lot of what I have written may offend some of you. Which is fair because I am sure despite all this, you still believe in your country, still love your country and would still defend your country. But you can have your cake and eat it too. It is BECAUSE you live in the USA that you know its problems better than anyone else, and should be able to discuss them, tackle them and solve them.

You do not need an outsider to tell you what is wrong. What you need is to fix the wrongs.

Stop working, go outside and protest.

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