
Why they hate WFH

I just had a lightbulb moment – the reason they are pushing so hard to have people return to the office is because they do not want democrats leaking out of cities and living in more rural areas. They want to make sure that they are corralled in the zones they know are steadily blue. I feel like that is why red states are also pushing more and more extreme laws – to push anyone out of the state or to stop people from moving in that are not consistently red leaning. They are gerrymandering our country for the electoral college.

I just had a lightbulb moment – the reason they are pushing so hard to have people return to the office is because they do not want democrats leaking out of cities and living in more rural areas. They want to make sure that they are corralled in the zones they know are steadily blue. I feel like that is why red states are also pushing more and more extreme laws – to push anyone out of the state or to stop people from moving in that are not consistently red leaning. They are gerrymandering our country for the electoral college.

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