
For those telling others that they shouldn’t flee America and stay to try and work on the nation, because others are less fortunate and can’t leave the country.

-I wrote this comment but I felt it was a good idea to post it as a full post- When I was back in high school about 4 years ago I had the same belief. My family has a big military history and I grew up with a sense of civil duty. I always vote and I try to work the polls yearly. I try to donate to causes that I think would make my country better and generally try to be a good citizen and fellow countryman to every single American. When Trump was president all of my like-minded liberal friends talked about how they couldn’t wait to leave the country when we were old enough. I thought that was an overreaction, that when we’re old enough that we could fix the country through intense work and civil action. I literally told them that I just can’t leave this…

-I wrote this comment but I felt it was a good idea to post it as a full post-

When I was back in high school about 4 years ago I had the same belief. My family has a big military history and I grew up with a sense of civil duty. I always vote and I try to work the polls yearly. I try to donate to causes that I think would make my country better and generally try to be a good citizen and fellow countryman to every single American. When Trump was president all of my like-minded liberal friends talked about how they couldn’t wait to leave the country when we were old enough. I thought that was an overreaction, that when we’re old enough that we could fix the country through intense work and civil action. I literally told them that I just can’t leave this country, that I feel a responsibility to stay here and make it the nation that I want to see.

Yesterday broke me as an American.

I woke up and instantly felt that my love for this country was crushed. It’s unsalvageable at this point.
When you wake up and realize that it’s morally unethical to start a family here, that you will have no upward mobility in life because you were born broke, and that you can literally see from the banner notifications on your iPhone that the upward trend in violence is getting worse daily, there is no hope left in your heart of fixing things. I feel for the people who can’t leave, and as of now I really don’t know if I’m gonna be one of them, but it’s a matter of survival at this point.

It’s about stepping back and asking “Am I okay with sacrificing my future and my happiness to try and preserve this sham of a country?” You can’t be there for everyone, but maybe you could help more from the outside. Move to a country with livable wages, start a subreddit where we crowdfund peoples ability to move out of this place, maybe even take them into your own home if you feel for them this deeply.

I know this will rub some people the wrong way and I hope this doesn’t affect our working relationship too much when the Hunger Games start and you have a spear and I have a knife.

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