
If we all stopped paying taxes, would we be able to get our rights back?

I know a lot of people can’t participate in a general strike because they can’t risk losing their source of income. But what about taxes? Would the government listen to us if we simply stopped giving them money? Would the corrupt system collapse if it lost it’s funding? Why do we even listen to this government in the first place? They take our rights away and then demand money from us like some sort of street gang. And they make laws based off a document written in the 1700s when slavery was still a thing. Also, we don’t get to vote for supreme court justices but we have to follow the laws that they pass. Democracy is truly dead. But the only reason why our government has power is because we allow them to. There is more of us than there are of them and we have the power to…

I know a lot of people can’t participate in a general strike because they can’t risk losing their source of income. But what about taxes? Would the government listen to us if we simply stopped giving them money? Would the corrupt system collapse if it lost it’s funding? Why do we even listen to this government in the first place? They take our rights away and then demand money from us like some sort of street gang. And they make laws based off a document written in the 1700s when slavery was still a thing. Also, we don’t get to vote for supreme court justices but we have to follow the laws that they pass. Democracy is truly dead. But the only reason why our government has power is because we allow them to. There is more of us than there are of them and we have the power to change this corrupt system.

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