
As Americans, we’re all tired. We still have to try.

Yeah, we're all tried. Utterly exhausted. Beaten to a pulp, and then kicked while we're down. But we can't reasonably sit idle while our rights are being stripped from us, can we? We're already suffering, we're already broken, bloody, and bruised. Living in this country is a constant assault on your mental and physical well-being. So what are we supposed to do? Accept defeat? Roll over and die? Let our kids and families grow up in a world with less rights than we had simply because we lacked a spine? Roe V Wade isn't the endgoal, its the starting domino. They've already set their eyes on contraception and gay marriage. If we as Americans want to keep the rights we already fought and died for, then we can't just give up at the first sign of trouble. Get out there. Protest. Strike. Call in. Its our only chance to stop…

Yeah, we're all tried. Utterly exhausted. Beaten to a pulp, and then kicked while we're down. But we can't reasonably sit idle while our rights are being stripped from us, can we?

We're already suffering, we're already broken, bloody, and bruised. Living in this country is a constant assault on your mental and physical well-being. So what are we supposed to do? Accept defeat? Roll over and die? Let our kids and families grow up in a world with less rights than we had simply because we lacked a spine?

Roe V Wade isn't the endgoal, its the starting domino. They've already set their eyes on contraception and gay marriage. If we as Americans want to keep the rights we already fought and died for, then we can't just give up at the first sign of trouble.

Get out there. Protest. Strike. Call in. Its our only chance to stop the erosion of our human rights.

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