
New job doesn’t allow rest breaks

I’ve never quit after the first day before, but there’s a first for everything. I got a job this summer to hopefully be easygoing as a movie theater worker. First day is 9 hours, no breaks until lunch 6.5 hours into the shift. Ask about breaks: “We don’t really take them here, you can ask a manager but they might say ‘no’.” I’m not lazy, I walked miles around that theater, I’m used to spending 8 hours on my feet. But I love my breaks, and they are the minimum, not asking for favors. Tempted to report them to labor board as well.

I’ve never quit after the first day before, but there’s a first for everything. I got a job this summer to hopefully be easygoing as a movie theater worker. First day is 9 hours, no breaks until lunch 6.5 hours into the shift. Ask about breaks: “We don’t really take them here, you can ask a manager but they might say ‘no’.”

I’m not lazy, I walked miles around that theater, I’m used to spending 8 hours on my feet. But I love my breaks, and they are the minimum, not asking for favors. Tempted to report them to labor board as well.

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