
How do you expect a general work strike to have any impact on Congress or the Supreme Court?

That's the question. All these posts about going on strike. I too am upset by the court's decision, even though we knew it was coming with the prior leak of the decision. But I cannot see the relation to how skipping work will promote the supposed cause of restoring the right to reproductive choice. That will require state and/or federal legislation. How does someone calling out at McDonalds put pressure on lawmakers? I don't think it does. But if you do, ELI5 how you see the chain of events working from 1) general strike 2)????? 3)reproductive rights

That's the question. All these posts about going on strike. I too am upset by the court's decision, even though we knew it was coming with the prior leak of the decision. But I cannot see the relation to how skipping work will promote the supposed cause of restoring the right to reproductive choice. That will require state and/or federal legislation. How does someone calling out at McDonalds put pressure on lawmakers? I don't think it does. But if you do, ELI5 how you see the chain of events working from 1) general strike 2)????? 3)reproductive rights

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