
Got fired for falling asleep at the end of a 10hr shift with no break.

I worked at a server in a pretty nice restaurant. It was the day before fathers day and i have to be to work at 5pm but my boss texted me around noon asking if i could come in right away. I was just leaving the gym so I said it would take me an hour as I needed to go home, shower, and change. Told him I could just eat there. So i get there around 3 hours early, run my ass off taking tables, bussing, and running some food and all my drinks. The night was rapping up so i finally caught a second to sit and do some side work… Well i guess i was super tired having no break at all, and nodded off a bit all asleepy for a bit. Finished my side work, did my drop and tip out, and helped finish a few…

I worked at a server in a pretty nice restaurant. It was the day before fathers day and i have to be to work at 5pm but my boss texted me around noon asking if i could come in right away.

I was just leaving the gym so I said it would take me an hour as I needed to go home, shower, and change. Told him I could just eat there. So i get there around 3 hours early, run my ass off taking tables, bussing, and running some food and all my drinks.

The night was rapping up so i finally caught a second to sit and do some side work… Well i guess i was super tired having no break at all, and nodded off a bit all asleepy for a bit. Finished my side work, did my drop and tip out, and helped finish a few cleaning tasks then went home and passed out, didnt even shower i was so tired.

The next day I get a nice black button down for fathers day and tie, get ready as usual and head off to work. I get there, look at the section chart and notice im not on there anywhere… odd.

So i look around for the owner/manager to ask why i dont have a section and he tells me we need to go outside to talk. We get out there and he accuses me of being on drugs the night prior as he “saw me nodding off on video” and thats the only explination.

I try to explain how i was running around all day, came straight from the gym, had just ran my ass off and come in early for him, and have sleep issues i see a dr and therapist for. I even offered to take a drug test and let him watch me so there would be no doubt. Didnt care, didnt want to belive any of it, said i wasnt going to work out there despite all of my great performance and helping in anyway i could.

Now im unemployed, hoping i can throw my rent on one of my already high balance credit cards, and kinda bummed tf out about all this job bs. I feel like i cant catch a break, doesnt matter if im working hard, sober, and doing extra i still get stuffed in the end. Honestly fuck Dave at Ole Savannah in Kingston, NY.

Im planning to report him to the DoL because the only time I ever got a break there i had to ask and all the other workers looked at me funny, and one even came up and said he respected me for standing upto the owner and taking my break. So i know front of house doesnt get any and ive never seen back of house get them either.

Also half the food dies on the line and still gets pushed out, and even though its a “classy” venue half the food comes out of bags and is kept in terrible conditions. Even the coleslaw is kept out all day/night without being in a proper cooler, so i should probably call the DoH too.

But seriously if youre even in Kingston, NY and want to eat by the waterfront spend your money litterally anywhere else.

Edit: i think the shittiest part of all of this is how when i was hired he askes if i was “in recovery” which i thought was odd, but i have alot of tattoos, muscles, and look a bit like a “bad boy” (or so ive been told” to which i responded truthfully because im quite proud of having almost 8 years now clean from heroin/opioids. He said “me too”, so i guessed game recognized game. To then throw that in my face and accuse me of having a relapse (while on shift no less) really just has me sick to my stomach still. Like fuck you, and your dumb restaurant too. Im still almost 8 clean off that shit regardless of what kinda slander you want to throw on my name.

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