
Employment offer rescinded because I seemed “too concerned with money.” Lol

This was almost a year ago now – I was working in a small Independent school's tech department, and I applied for a position in the tech dept of a bigger, more prestigious independent school. Standard phone interview with a head of tech department and then invited for an in person interview which was with all members of the department and some others. Took a couple hours but the team seemed like they worked together great and I hoped to join. Was told I would hear back after a few more folks interviewed. A couple days later I received a call letting me know that I was their top choice and they were offering me the position. After receiving their fair, but unimpressive, salary and benefits (one omission being any kind of guaranteed tuition remission for my child) offer, I requested they match my current sick/pto amounts (which would have…

This was almost a year ago now – I was working in a small Independent school's tech department, and I applied for a position in the tech dept of a bigger, more prestigious independent school.

Standard phone interview with a head of tech department and then invited for an in person interview which was with all members of the department and some others. Took a couple hours but the team seemed like they worked together great and I hoped to join.

Was told I would hear back after a few more folks interviewed. A couple days later I received a call letting me know that I was their top choice and they were offering me the position.

After receiving their fair, but unimpressive, salary and benefits (one omission being any kind of guaranteed tuition remission for my child) offer, I requested they match my current sick/pto amounts (which would have taken 2-3 years for me to get to normally), bump the starting salary to match what I was making at my current employer, and to guarantee a minimum tuition remission amount.

They were able to match my sick/pto time.

They were unable to match my salary, I believe because I would then be making more than people with roughly the same position as me but with much more seniority. That sucks, but they did adjust their offer upwards.

They were also unwilling to guarantee any tuition remission. Only faculty received such a guarantee as part of their benefits. Not staff.

They were nice enough to get the director of admissions on the phone with me, who was on vacation (red flag), who went through my family's income with me and gave me an estimated tuition for the following school year, but he couldn't promise anything.

I told them I would think on it and let them know my current employer offered me a sizeable raise to stay.

I received a call from their HR department saying they were rescinding their offer of employment because it seemed I was “just in this for the money” and I “asked a lot of questions about salary and my daughter's tuition.”


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